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Seven Reasons Why I Talk Dirty…About Food!

So, 2020 has been a year to remember…or maybe a year to forget. Either way, it’s been one heck of a year. We’ve seen the food supply chain break down. We’ve seen (and are still seeing) food shortages. We’ve seen farmers throw food away. We’ve seen food prices go way up…and unfortunately, it’s not changing anytime soon. So, I made a video about the seven reasons why I talk about “dirty food”…check it out!


#1. I don’t like liars. 

And if you’re a regular listener to my podcast, you probably don’t either. So many of our food companies lie, or obfuscate. They hide the truth – and they know it. They manipulate us with marketing campaigns and fancy packaging. It’s a ruse, and we need to “call them out”.

#2. Food monopolies suck. 

Food monopolies have exclusive control of a part or segment of our food supply and when that exists, food isn’t affordable for everyone, and there’s less competition – even though it “looks” like we have a lot of choices.

#3. Politics changes the food landscape.  

Regardless of what you think, politics has a hand in our food supply, and it shouldn’t. In many cases, politicians who create laws and regulations receive financial support and kickbacks from lobbyists and big corporations with special interests whose interests aren’t aligned with our interests. 

#4. Greed is a problem. 

Ever heard of “profits over people”? Yeah…it’s a real thing, and it’s rampant – we have to follow the money. Companies will always follow profit centers in the market. That’s why people start businesses, to make money but when there’s greed, small companies who might actually be making “honest” food, find it harder to compete. Not only that, greed has given us cheap food.

Greedy corporations have the benefit of economies of scale (so their COGS go down), and because they can produce more for less, they tend to produce more waste and break more environmental rules and that is a cost to us in the end.

#5. We are all just days away from food insecurity. 

We are all so far away from our food supply. We import food from far away lands, we rely on big agriculture to feed our families, and our grocery stores can only keep so much food on hand that we are literally just a few days away from food insecurity at any given moment. What happens when there’s an emergency? A natural disaster? A pandemic? 

#6. We can’t trust food manufacturers nor food imports. 

When someone lies to you, it breaks the trust…right? There have been so many examples of food manufacturers who breech our trust. Think, food recalls and lax standards of production. Think, USDA GRAS standards for foods and the additives and preservatives in our food supply so our food can be shelf stable for months or years. Think, fake food – like honey, wine and olive oil. Food is our greatest dependency and we should be able to trust our food producers. 

#7. Chemicals don’t help us. 

Ugh…this is the worst. We can and should read our food ingredient labels. Food has a grave impact on our health outcomes and health care costs are a huge burden for many of us. Not just financially, but physically and mentally. Millions of people (our loved ones and even our beloved furry friends) die every year from food related diseases.

If we didn’t have glyphosate on our cereal grains like oats and wheat, or atrazine on our corn, or heavy metals in our rice – messing with our gut microbiome, our brains and nervous system, our cellular development – our bodies could actually do what they are designed to do. 

If we had a choice, most of us would choose food that is honest, clean, is free from political influence, chemicals and corporate manipulation. 

Well, guess what?…We do have a choice. And that’s the good news.

We can vote with our dollars.

Money is powerful. That is the benchmark of corporate success, so when there’s money to be made, or lost – how we vote with our dollars can help keep companies honest. Reject food companies that are trying to kill us with chemicals, packaging, marketing manipulation by purchasing from food companies that SHOW you they are doing good.

Let the market speak. We create demand – and when we move our money, companies move with the market. Just because it sounds good, doesn’t mean it is good.

We can build local food economies.

Support farmer’s markets and local farmers. You can look them in the eye. You can ask questions. And knowing your farmer helps build food resilience.

You can be your own food supply chain.

Start growing food – even if it’s just a little bit. Partner with neighbors. Start a “victory” community garden. Save seeds. Share seeds. We need to build local food economies to have food security. By being our own food supply chains, or at least supporting local producers where we live, we can start “doing” ONE little thing to get us back to food equity so that none of us needs to be food insecure.

Spend more, buy quality. 

Food is already expensive, and in many cases we know why it is. We have become accustomed to cheap food that is not nutritionally dense. Healthcare costs are through the roof and many Americans die every year from food related diseases. So, eating less cheap food begins to create demand for good food.  Buying quality food is worth the price and it’s like buying high octane gas. Your body will do better.

We can start to level the playing field.

We can and should take each and every one of our elected local officials, that has received or is receiving money from corporate donors with special interest, in our food supply chain, to task. Talk to local elected officials and demand accountability or support an organization that does the work so that we can begin to trust our food again.

Stay informed.

We don’t know what we don’t know…but when we do know what companies are putting into and onto our food, we can make better choices for our families. When we are empowered with science, facts and well researched information we can shift our dirty food supply to a cleaner food supply. 

So, I don’t know about you, but I’m gonna keep talking dirty….until these food companies and food producers stop giving me something to talk about.

Because, no one really wants expensive food that’s ultimately trying to kill them and our ecosystem. Amirite?

Listen in to the Food Slain Podcast on, Apple, Google, Spotify, and now on Amazon! And remember to eat clean, eat healthy and boost your immunity with real, nutrient dense food.

And I’ll see you on the other side of the plate.



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