

Plant based eating is a thing.

And EVERYBODY’s talking about it. More and more people are starting to realize that eating plant based foods have a ton of benefits and do more good than harm (in most cases) especially from a health perspective. But eating more plants than anything else doesn’t mean you have to stop eating meat…let’s just get that out of the way.

But if you’re not feeling your best, and you’ve decided it’s time to “eat healthy”…again, whether you doctor has reminded you that you need to “shed a few extra pounds” or you decided on your own to eat healthier,

it’s never too late to add more plants fruits and vegetables to your meals. 

It’s easy to start with lots of enthusiasm and a shopping cart full of healthy food, every color of the rainbow, but it doesn’t guarantee success when changing eating habits. Been there, done that. There are a lot of people out there who have good intentions and lots of motivation when it comes to dietary changes. However, most people either run out of recipes and motivation whenever the first batch of groceries goes into the compost, or they “fall off the wagon”, as soon as that first party invitation comes along. 

Interestingly enough, eating a plant based diet and forming healthy habits are important components to living a healthy life.

And these days, even though many restaurants and even fast food chains offer customers healthier options, some of these options can contain mysterious ingredients in large amounts which tend to make eating healthier more complicated and expensive.

There’s no denying that food costs are going up. Healthy food is even more expensive and unfortunately, that doesn’t look like it’s going to change very much in the foreseeable future…unless you make a change and take responsibility for what goes into your mouth. There are many people who enjoy making their own food. Thanks to a few small household appliances, lots of people make their own juices and smoothies, prepare healthy meals for lunch and dinner and even make healthier snacks-but the trade off is having the time. 

Luckily, one of the biggest benefits of making healthier food at home is, it will definitely be a lot less expensive – it will probably taste better too and it’s easier than you think. Most people already know the fundamental basics of making healthy food – like preparing salads and making smoothies, but there are a lot of reasons why people stop there.

Eating healthier and adding more plant based foods to your daily meals can not only be a lot of work but it can also be tough step to take and make a serious commitment to at first. 

The good news is, that’s how it starts, but when you take responsibility for your own health, you become more informed about where your ingredients come from, what’s in season, what specific nutritional needs are being met, and how to use what you have to make something delicious without spending a fortune or a lot of time. Taking responsibility is the first step to implementing and sticking with dietary changes. 

So, eating a plant based diet has many benefits beyond achieving better health and losing weight.

Eating plants is better for the environment and in most cases, it’s better for your wallet, but make sure to listen to the Food Slain podcast so that you know which plants to choose to support your overall health. And if you eat kale, definitely listen in to Episode 1 – The Kale Underbelly, because some fruits and vegetables that we’re being told are healthy for us, actually aren’t and many of them are even worse for the environment. Meat isn’t the only culprit. So, stay tuned.

In the next post, you’ll know how and where to get the ingredients you need, you’ll know what the most important staple ingredients are to keep on hand so that you can start making delicious, nutrient dense, healthy food, confidently every day, and EVERY time.

Remember, eat clean. Eat healthy. And love your food. See you on the other side of the plate. Chow!

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